
1. Find

The first step to using our formularies is to find the one that you need. You can do this through our weekly email newsletter which contains the formularies for the upcoming Sunday and major feasts, or through online library which is frequently being updated and is organized the same way as the Roman Missal with an additional section for special observances.

2. Download

Each formulary is available in two formats for you to download. Simply click on the words "PDF" or "DOCX" wherever a formulary is listed to download that file type.

  1. Use the PDF format for an easy to print file.

  2. Use the DOCX format for an editable version.

3. Edit (Optional)

All of our formularies are designed to be ready to use. However you can edit them (DOCX format), if you want to adjust them to the needs of your community. If you edit the file, try to follow the same style to ensure the prayers fit together nicely. The DOCX files are editable in most word processors such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word.

4. Print and Use

Once you download, or edit a file, you can print it out and use it in the liturgy. Two copies should be used. One for the priest celebrant at the presider's chair and another for the deacon or reader at the ambo. Using an elegant binder to hold the printed copy elevates the look of the service rather than using a loose sheet of paper.